Saturday, November 28, 2009

Emotions and Madness

Let's start by discussing the comments on the last posts. It is true that Emotions are great captains of our lives and sometimes we obey without realizing but sometimes we realize but its just that we dont have the will to control it. And emotions dont lead to thoughts rather than the other way round. It's thought that usually leads to Emotions and emotions leads to action, whether positive or negative depends on the person's logic of thought. So, emotions turning back on itself is usually not madness. Imagine if you will, all thought that goes to emotions is turned back to thought. Example, if a person who receives a news about the passing of a relative whom he knows had been suffering from severe ilness. The thought of the person will be negtive as are all bad news will be at first and will lead to an emotion of sadness. However, once it gets to the emotion of sadness and turn back to thought, the person will have time to think of it more positively as oppose to negative. Hence you get a person who will think, at least the man or woman who passed away doesn't have to suffer further with the ilness however sad it may be. But if the emotion doesn't turn back, you will often get someone who doesn't really care about it and just maybe over react with the news in terms of his/her actions. Madness is often associated with the inability of the mind to process the information and bring out the correct emotion. Example, the person who receives a passing news of a relative and starts laughing out loud. So, I believe emotion turning back on itself will go back to thought and that usually leads to a good thing rather than bad and is not an element of madness.

Happiness is a feeling of joy one experienced when something good or positive happens in their lives. Like the first time you successfully ride a bike with no help and did it or getting good grades at school or kissing someone you love. These are all good things at first but depending on what you do next can make it really positive or otherwise. Happiness can be both a fading feeling or an everlasting light, like I mentioned it always depends on what you do or happens next. Like someone you kiss turns out in the future to be your life partner, it will turn to the everlasting light however if it doesnt you will always feel happy that you get to kiss that person and that feeling of happiness only comes when you think about the kiss and fades when you start thinking about other things. Or the good grades leads up to you getting to a good university again it becomes the everlasting light however if you dont get to go there you will still feel happy when you re-visit the thought of the grades and fades when you change your thought.

The line between happiness and madness like I mentioned before are very different. Hapiness is an emotion whereas madness the an inability to process thought to bring out the correct emotion. I believe that everybody laughs for a reason, the thing is we sometimes dont know what it is unless we ask. Hence the saying dont judge a book by its cover suits this. Many people like to make quick judgement on others which is why when we see a person laughs out loud and we see no reason why he should have done it there we often think that the person is insane without giving the benefit of the doubt and think maybe the person is re-visiting his past experience in his mind. As we know the mind is a powerful thing, we need only imagine sometimes and we are there, so maybe that person is thinking about the funny encounter he had with "bobo" the clown a few days earlier but because of our snap judgement, we think that the person is insane. Unless he didn't think about that or anything like it then he is insane or mad. That's is how I think we draw the line. A child however is different in a way that people often associate the newly born as special, people believe that a child is so innocent that they can see things that the grown ups can't. For example when a child laugh, people always say that an angel is playing with the child or a loving great grandparents who past away are playing with the child. Which is why a child who laughs for no reason is often not considered as crazy but rather cute.

In the case of religion, we must first dwelve into the basic human attitude. The harder or difficult it is for a person to get something, the more he/she appreciates it. And that is why the picture of christ on the crucifix is more appropriate than the picture of christ and the last supper where he is shown as being happy is put up in churches. It shows to the followers how difficult and hard it is and how he is willing to sacrifice himself to bring the message or teachings of god to the people so that the people appreciates the religion more. It is a basic human attitude. Imagine if something is easy for you to get. I'm sure you wont appreciate it as much as the thing that is difficult to get. Example, a person who doesn't know how hard it is for a mother to give birth to him/her won't be as appreciative of their mother as a person who really understands the pain and difficulty that a mother goes through during birth. That is why also in Islam religion it is said that if your father calls you, you can respond after 3 callings however if your mother calls you, you have to drop everything and respond at the first call. So, by showing the crucifix as oppose to the fun and happy Jesus, the followers will understand the pain and hardship that he goes through to bring the message and therefore be more appreciative of the religion and that one doesn't forget about the hardship.

Think with Logic Feel with Emotion. So, do u talk or speak?