Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Note of Thought and Memory

Everything that you see, hear, touch, smell, taste and experience first registers in the brain as a note of thought and they go through logic. But in the case of memory, feelings or emotions are added and the strength of the memory depends on the strenght of the feelings or emotions involved. Try to think of your memory as a cooking bowl, now in this case the actual strength of your cooking doesnt depend on the exact or perfect amount of ingredients that you add in, its actually the opposite. It's usually the extra amount albeit tasteless of too much of the taste will determine your cooking.

News people always use the phrase "there's no news like bad news". So, in memory's case, "there's no stronger memory than the one's that has the most emotions or feelings in it". We experience a lot of things everyday and most of it is registered as just a note of thought. Example, the meal that we eat, if its just nice, it will register in our minds as a note saying "we've had our meal" and true enough after a short time we will forget about it. However, the same note for meal will register in our memory for a long time should the meal be very tasty or tasteless. Because when that happens, there's usually an emotion attached to it. A very nice meal will bring an emotions of joy if its so so so good it will be in our memory for a long time as oppose to a meal that's just good. The same occurs, when the meal is very very very bad.

From the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed, we go through a lot of things that is considered a note of thought, like opening our eyes when we wake up (one note) yawning (one note) moving our pillows aside (one note), so in the space of 3 seconds we have 3 note of thought. so, if all note of thought is registered as a memory that lasts in our brain, just living a day will give us 75,600 memory. Which is why it is good that not all of our note of thought registers as a memory or else there would not be a lot of space to store them.

Blinking is a very good example of note of thought. Because we do it many many times a day with no emotions attached to it then it simply becomes a note of our thoughts because without it being a note of thought, we will not blink unless we think about it. Birthday's are good examples of why it becomes a memory to someone and can never be forgotten. During your birthday a lot of positive emotions go through yourself no matter what. And therefore it stays in your brain as a memory which u will remember. People whom are very emotional often have stronger memory than people whom are logical. That's why women's memory are actually stronger compared to men's because they tend to be more meotional.

Ask yourself a simple question to know whether the thing that you are thinking about is a note of thought or a memory. Try it, pick something in the middle, example, how old are you when you yawned for the 900th time? And another question is who visited you on your birthday 3 years ago? I bet you can searh your memory for the second question and not the first. There you have the difference. Next, we'll discuss how poeple with logic are more successful and cruel as oppose to people with emotions.

Think with Logic Feel with Emotion. So, do u talk or speak?