Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This is the first blog that I've ever typed. In our life there are a lot of firsts. Logically, we should not pay too much attention to our first, however emotionally certain firsts are significant. The question is why???

Here's a question, is there a different between the first time we fall from our bike and the first time we can remember? In the interest of logic, the first time we can remember is far more important than the first time we fall from our bike, it is much more significant considering that's the first time that our brain practically keep our 'life record'. It shows that we are not brain dead and that we are not empty just like Homer Simpson :). But when emotions come into play, the importance change from the first time we can remember to the first time of falling from a bike. This in my eyes is simply because the first time u can remember, there are no emotions yet. But the first time u ride a bike, your emotion is already developed and u feel the hurt of falling from it and therefore it sticks strongly into your memory.

Just like the first time I'm writing this blog (typing technically). Logically its just a page to share my thoughts and opinion. It has no significant importance as I am only a simple person and my decision and thoughts has no bearing in other people's life except for the ones whom are close to me. However, I cant help but feel that this day is important because I am able to establish this first blog. With a big smile on my face and pride the size of mars I feel like telling the whole world, "hey look at me, I dont really know IT but I have a blog. Hahaha." So, why is some firsts more important than others? And why do the firsts that involve more emotions are usually more important compared to the firsts that has more logic in it? Let's all think about it.

Think with Logic Feel with Emotion. So, do u talk or speak?


  1. congrats...on ur first blog...more more more will come...

  2. Hello, I just dropped by! Very interesting entry =]

  3. Hmm, that is a very good question. Maybe because when these firsts happen, some people create this sentimental value to make it worth of remembering. If it is logical, it is rather a note of thought, something you can turn back in your notes for so you don't make mistakes or accomplish a goal. My little brother's first time going to the movie theater was valuable and sentimental to me. It brought joy and a reason for me to keep that sacred within. Our brains and hearts have, well, oddly a mind and emotion of their own. Our firsts are our paths to seconds and so forth.

    Well, hopefully I made sense in some form.
