Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Matter of Opinion

Before I go on much longer and start talking about other things, I feel the need to clarify a few things so that people do not think of what I posted as a matter of total fact. It is simply a matter of opinion as oppose to fact. An opinion from myself to share with others. Like all humans I am not perfect and therefore will not force my ideas or opinion on to others. If you think that I am right and my point is there then you can use it but if otherwise then it is up to you. Each of us are entitled to our own opinion, so THINK.

In certain things that I talk about and at certain times, I will use an example or a saying or some words taken from somewhere. But that does not mean I people have to agree, follow or take my word 100 percent. I will not preach to you about religion or life or money and etc. Please use your brain to think about it and not emotion to hate or like it just because it comes from me or my blog. You are welcome to voice out your own opinion.

Let's consider this as a forum of discussion where we can discuss things in a civilised manner on any topic what so ever. There is no need to force things on to others as it will only make your opinion seems more wrong than right even if sometimes it is right. Remember when you were small and you got sick and your parents try to force medicine down your throat, eventhough they tell you a hundred times that it is good for you, but because they try to force it, to you its bad.

So, I hope everyone understands what I am trying to achieve with this site. Thanks to everyone who supports me and participate in this blog.

Think with Logic Feel with Emotion. So, do u talk or speak?

1 comment:

  1. Men are no more immune from emotions than women; we think women are more emotional because the culture lets them give free vent to certain feelings, "feminine" ones, that is, no anger please, but it's okay to turn on the waterworks.
